Friends of St. Colman (FOSC)

The Friends of St. Colman Foundation was started in 1999 and had a rebirth in 2016. The group is made up of Parishioners and Supporters of St. Colman Parish.

Our mission is to take care of our beautiful Parish and ensure that we can continue to do our ministries in the future. We are a non-profit, 501 (C) 3, organization that provides financial assistance for capital improvements and other needs of the Parish.

How can you help?


Payments can be made monthly, quarterly or annually.

Terms can be one year, two years or three years

Payments can be made by check, credit card, PayPal or automatic deduction from checking or savings account.

Levels of Annual Giving

Platinum Friend: $1200 or more

Gold Friend: $600 - $1199

Silver Friend: $300 - $599

Bronze Friend: $299 or less

** Please remember that no donation is too little**

To join and/or make donation, please mail a check to Friends of St. Colman Foundation, P.O. Box 602147, Cleveland, OH 44102

To learn more about the Friends of St. Colman Parish, contact Terry Allan at

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