Please see below for just a few of the ways that we are always looking for help at St. Colman Church
We are always looking for dedicated people who would like to make a difference in our Parish. If you are interested in joining, please contact Rita Gaertner at 216.440.1412
Our towers are available for $250 per month to light in honor or memory of loved ones. For more information please contact the Parish Office.
We are always looking for ways to bring new life into our Parish. If you can tell your friends and family about us or bring a friend to Church with you, it is appreciated. The more people that experience St. Colman, the more Parishioners we will gain.
We are always looking for new faces to help out as readers, Eucharistic ministers and ushers
Our choir is always welcome to new voices. If you are interested in joining at any time, please visit Rosie Toth, our music minister after Church
All events from our fish fry's to our Christmas Corner, need volunteers. If you are interested in sharing your time, please email or call the Parish and let Linda Burger know and she will contact you directly
Maybe you have a skill that we could use? Don't be afraid to call us and see if there is way we can utilize it. We welcome any and all help